Writing Prompt: Camel

The cameI is a symbol associated with the second covenant and Sarah and Abraham. I researched this for the Jesse Tree Advent Project and I discovered information saying that the second covenant is called a “Covenant of Works, a prominent feature of Presbyterian and reformed churches…”  I tried reading more, but there are too many arguments and definitions, all heavily debated. This is a seminary topic.

So, to continue from my post yesterday, here’s everything I know about camels and covenants. On our trip to Herat, a string of camels was heading towards the border to the then-Soviet Union.  My mum, a handicraft addict, thought there might be rugs or copper sown into the saddlebags, so we got out of the car and accosted the nomads.  The Tajikistani tribesmen would not relinquish any kelims, or saddle-bags (my mum asked) but offered us a consolation prize– a ride on a camel.

Desert camels are dromedaries, beasts with one hump, thought to be patient and strong but in reality, they are very stubborn, very mean and have very ugly teeth with very bad breath. Their long, yellow teeth are strung up into pendants on necklaces with blue evil-eye beads and sold to tourists.

The other English mother, Mrs. Jane, was undeterred and volunteered to go first. Did she ever lose her English reserve! The camel stood up awkwardly on front legs first, which threw the passenger forward, then lurched on its back haunches. Mrs. Jane shrieked and hollered like a banshee. Everyone, Western and nomadic, enjoyed the spectacle of the Cursing Englishwoman–only the camel was indifferent. However, Mrs. Jane was more than scared, she had trapped her middle finger under the wooden saddle and it was being pinched. It was even harder not to giggle when she pointed her bruised and purple digit at us, but we tried to be contrite because she was hurt.

To make amends, we made a covenant with this ancient desert creature. We promised never to ride a camel again. We would not even buy their teeth at the market!