Debra Eve and other later-blooming writers

Debra Eve, always wanted to write but started her career as a technical engineer, training lawyers in technology. She tired of the corporate milieu and returned to school to become an archeologist only to discover that she didn’t have deep enough pockets to finance any digs. Disappointed, she attended writing workshops, martial arts classes, and traveled. She was learning, exploring, taking mental notes, but not writing. One day, when she was fifty, she asked herself when she’d get around to it. There was never a good time. She’d have to make the decision to write.

So she did. Not knowing where to start, she researched any other writers that got off to a late start. Contrary to the myth of gifted “born” writers, many successful authors “got around” to writing well after the age of forty. Eve wrote mini biographies about these well-known writers and posted their stories on her blog, She had created one of the first repositories that listed “re-invented” writers. In 2012, she published these biographies as an anthology and it is still a high-ranking seller on Amazon.

What do these late blooming writers have in common? They are people with too many disparate interests. Often, they are unusually industrious and responsible people, working and slaving away even if they feel stuck in unsatisfying careers until there is a change in their jobs, routine or personal life. They take this opportunity to reflect and release themselves from their duties to explore new directions. Like writing.

Hmmm, I wonder what percentage of bloggers are later bloomers?

This article was compiled from a presentation Debra Eve gave at the California Writers Club – Inland Empire Branch in October 2014.

4 thoughts on “Debra Eve and other later-blooming writers”

  1. Judy, you just told my story better than I did! I might have to steal a few lines for the next iteration of my bio. I’ve been meaning to email you and thank you for having me. I had a wonderful time, especially at lunch. Even more, you’ve inspired me to look for a group near me — online support is great, but nothing beats regularly meeting and talking with other writers. Thank you!

    1. I love writers, they are such curious people, in all senses of the word. Our CWC, Inland Branch has a mix of experienced versus new writers but we all need support. Start a group. I had appreciative feedback on your presentation, it hit a sweet spot.

      One of the fastest ways to become a good writer is to interview others, and I remember things better when I write then down and it is a blog post! If I have many reasons to do something, I’ll get it done…

  2. Judy, I recently retired from years & years of tech support (Rockwell, Northrop, Innosoft {with you}, then finally ADP) to pursue my interest in art (painting, etc). I hope to someday be a ‘subject’ of my sister’s “Later Bloomers”. LOL! Such a small world. Glad the two of you met!

  3. Move over Lisa, I also want a spotlight in the next ‘later bloomer’ edition! Great fun. Next time you have a party with sister et al, invite me!

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